Online Trading Academy – Professional Forex Trader part 1

Online Trading Academy – Professional Forex Trader part 1 Course Download Free.

You can download Part course here: Part 2

Forex trading is a serious competition between two sides where there is always a winner and a loser. To be successful in trading the Forex markets, you must have a simple rule based “edge”. The OTA edge is our award winning market timing strategy. Market Timing is the ability to identify key market turning points and strong market moves in advance with a very high degree of accuracy. The Professional Forex Trader Course delivers this strategic edge by combining powerful skill building lessons and hands on live market trading sessions during this five day course. What you will learn in this class you will not find anywhere else or read it in any industry trading books.

Why trade the Forex markets?

  • Leverage – Low capital requirements. Forex traders can start with much smaller amounts of money than you need for trading stocks.
  • Time – Forex traders can trade when they have time. The Forex market is open and moving 24 hours a day, 5 ½ days a week. Trading occurs in all time zones in the world and can be part time or full time depending on one’s preference.
  • Opportunity – The most important reason to trade the Forex markets are the fact that they are fantastic trending markets that are always moving, there is always a Forex market to trade. They are also made up of markets that are not moving in the same direction. This provides rare non – correlated opportunity. Also, traders can profit in up and down trends by buying long or selling short.
  • OTA Core Strategy – OTA’s unique core strategy identifies where banks and institutions are buying and selling in the Forex markets. With Forex trading dominated by the world’s largest banks causing strong market moves, knowing where they are buying and selling is KEY information for the individual trader.


This course is designed for students of all experience levels who are serious about becoming a professional Forex trader.


Core Strategy. Online Student Orientation and the Platform Orientation are recommended pre-requisites for this course. No trading experience is required.


  • Each day’s agenda contains 2-3 powerful and fully interactive lectures led by a professional trader combined with 1-2 live trading and analysis sessions focusing on market analysis and trade execution.
  • Maximum 22 person capacity providing individual attention from your instructor.
  • Each student is provided a classroom computer where they learn in a hands-on environment.
  • Students are provided trading workstations with real time data so they can practice strategy execution while under the guidance of a seasoned trader/instructor.

Course Objective

To clearly understand and properly execute OTA’s rule-based Core Strategy in order to attain short term income and long term wealth.

Detailed Course Outline

  • Forex Foundations
    Learn the building blocks needed to trade forex professionally.
  • Benefits of Forex
    Understand the advantages of trading forex.
  • Terminology
    Learn to properly speak the language of forex traders.
  • Global Forex Markets
    Discover all the forex markets available.
  • Order Types Review
    Reinforce your understanding of Market, Limit, Stop Market and Stop Limit orders.
  • Core Strategy Review
    Reinforce your understanding of key tools and processes to time the markets professionally.
  • Bracket Orders for Income
    Practice set-and-forget order placement for short term income trades.
  • Analysis Techniques
    Understand the dos and don’ts when using analysis techniques.
  • Forex Selection for Income
    Learn a process to create a proper watchlist of forex pairs to be traded in order to create short term income.
  • The Dollar Index
    Get to know one of the most important indexes in the world.
  • Position Size
    Learn to define the proper position size in order to manage risk correctly.
  • Risk Management for Forex
    Learn to manage the specific risk attached to trading forex.
  • Trading Sessions
    Discover the times at which the forex market is open and forex pairs are tradable.
  • Trader Time Zones
    Learn the characteristics, pros and cons when trading forex at different times during the day.
  • Economic Reports
    Learn how to use economic reports as a source of trading opportunities.
  • Forex Fundamentals
    Understand some of the key fundamental factors that may impact supply and demand for currencies.
  • Forex Correlations
    Understand how some commodities or markets work in tandem with currencies.
  • Spot Forex and Currency Futures
    Discover the currency futures markets and its pros and cons compared to spot forex.
  • Odds Enhancer Review
    Reinforce your understanding of Odds Enhancers to improve your scoring skill.
  • Asset-Class Specific Odds Enhancers
    Learn a very special Odds Enhancers specific to forex trading.
  • Bracket Orders for Wealth
    Practice set-and-forget order placement for long term trades.
  • Options on Forex
    Discover the world of options applied to currencies.
  • Forex Selection for Wealth
    Learn a process to create a proper watchlist of forex pairs to be traded in order to create long term wealth.
  • Currency Intervention
    Understand how central banks try to keep their currencies under control.
  • Carry Trade
    Learn to take advantage of interest rates while in a long term trade.
  • Choosing a Broker
    Get to know the key characteristics of professional forex brokers.
  • Ten Laws of Trading
    Learn a set of rules to be kept safe at all times.
  • Gaps
    Learn to differentiate between different types of gaps and get ready to use them for higher probability trades.
  • Bitcoin
    Discover a different type of non-regulated currency.
  • Mastering the Mental Game
    Discover a very important formula to achieve desired results.
  • Trader Tax Strategies
    Understand better some options available to keep your money more efficiently.
  • 10 Survival Skills
    Learn a set of rules to make sure traders don’t lose too much money while in the process of learning how to trade.
  • Final Exam and Graduation



  1. You must test this strategy on Demo Account
  2. Do not trade in news
  3. Do not risk more than 2% of your capital
  4. Withdraw your profits on time
  5. Recommended Best Forex Signals Providers: 1- Paid Forex Signals ( Telegram) 2- 1000Pip Builder

[list][item icon="fa-check-square-o" ]Recommended Brokers: FXTM,  FBS and OctaFx[/item][/list]

Free Download

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